Teaching in the Age of Digital Distractions Evaluation Webinar or Online Training Evaluation Name First Last Email 1. Webinar or Online Training Evaluation - Teaching in the Age of Digital Distractions* Poor Below Average Good Above Average Excellent 2. Please evaluate this webinar in terms of its usefulness to you and your school/organisation.* Poor Below Average Good Above Average Excellent 3. To what extent did the webinar/online training meet your expectations in terms of the abstract or overview of the session?* Poor Below Average Good Above Average Excellent 4. Please evaluate the topic (practical value, intellectual interest, impact, timeliness of the topic)* Poor Below Average Good Above Average Excellent 5. How would you rate the effectiveness of Dr Kristy as an online presenter? (key points, clarity, practical classroom examples etc.)* Poor Below Average Good Above Average Excellent 6. Rate Dr Kristy’s knowledge about the topic.* Poor Below Average Good Above Average Excellent 7. How well did Dr Kristy answer questions clearly and on topic?* Poor Below Average Good Above Average Excellent 8. Would you recommend this speaker/session to a friend/colleague?* Yes No 9. What other topics would you be interested in delivered as either a webinar or online training, related to students and technology and its impact on their health, wellbeing and/or learning?*10. Any other comments.* Δ