You're in Digital Distress
You’re so switched on and tech-savvy that you literally cannot switch off.
You don’t go anywhere without your smartphone. The thought of the battery going flat (or worse still, misplacing it!!) evokes feelings of panic. You suffer from ‘nomophobia’ (i.e. fear of not having your phone in close proximity). You spend your days tethered to your tech, yet you use the excuse of school, homework and staying in contact with your family and friends as to why you use them so much. If you’re completely honest, you know you’re using your devices a bit too much and you are tired and a bit stressed from the amount you use your devices.
The good news is that there’s simple ways you can use to stop digital distractions from harming your health and make sure you can stay focused on real life more often.

1. Disable all non-essential notifications. Do you really need to know when a friend shares something on social media?

2. Bundle/batch your notifications so they come to you at allocated times, rather than dribbling in throughout the day.

3. Put your phone out of sight when doing your homework or study. Just seeing your phone can reduce your cognitive performance by 10%.