FQ Student Headers

What's Your Focus Quotient (FQ)?

What’s Your FQ? is a tool that can help you identify your current levels of focus, in an age of digital distractuons. It will help you to examine your digital behaviours and habits, your current performance  and experiences at school and home, so that you can ascertain whether your focus skills are being compromised.

No identifying data is collected so please rest assured the results are completely anonymous.

Your FQ Assessment will provide you with an FQ score from Low Average to Superior.

Before You Begin

This assessment consists of 15 statements. For each statement, mark the level to which it applies, for a ‘typical’ week of work. Answer honestly to give you an accurate insight into Focus Quotient

Student Focus Quotient Quiz

Step 1 of 3

On an average day, how frequently do you check your phone each day?(Required)
You’re on your way to school and realise you’ve left your phone at home. What do you do?(Required)
Where is your phone when you sleep?(Required)
When you wake up in the morning, how often is your phone the first thing you reach for?(Required)
What’s your relationship with social media?(Required)