Student Digital Wellbeing Assessment

The Student Digital Wellbeing Assessment is a completely anonymous, 32 multiple choice question assessment to better understand your own digital habits and behaviours.

Once you complete the assessment, you will receive your results and some tips to support your digital wellbeing.

Student Digital Wellbeing Assessment

Step 1 of 4


Most of the time. . .

1. I turn small, hand-held digital devices (such as a phone, laptop, computer, touchscreen, tablet, gaming console) off at least 60 minutes before I need to fall asleep.(Required)
2. My bedroom is a tech-free zone.(Required)
3. I wait at least 10 minutes before I turn on my phone/laptop/tablet in the morning, OR I don’t use devices at all in the morning.(Required)
4. My tech-time doesn’t interfere with my relationships with friends and family members and personal commitments.(Required)
5. I can control when and how much time I spend with devices during a ‘typical’ week.(Required)
6. I have restrictions about where I can use devices at home.(Required)
7. If I see something inappropriate or scary online, if I am cyberbullied, or have a predator approach me, I would go and tell a trusted adult.(Required)
8. I don't wear headphones and/or use a smartphone when I’m a pedestrian.(Required)