Student Digital Wellbeing Assessment


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Let's break it down:

SDWA - Pillar 1


PILLAR 1- Digital Borders and Boundaries

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You are in the D-RIVE Zone when...

  1. You turn small, hand-held digital devices (such as a phone, laptop, computer, touchscreen, tablet, gaming console) off at least 60 minutes before you need to fall asleep.
  2. Your bedroom is a tech-free zone.
  3. You wait at least 10 minutes before you turn on your phone/laptop/tablet in the morning, OR you don’t use devices at all in the morning.
  4. Your tech-time doesn’t interfere with your relationships with friends and family members and personal commitments.
  5. You can control when and how much time you spend with devices during a ‘typical’ week.
    You have restrictions about where you can use devices at home.
  6. If you see something inappropriate or scary online, if you are cyberbullied, or have a predator approach you, you would go and tell a trusted adult.
  7. You don’t wear headphones and/or use a smartphone when you're a pedestrian.

SDWA - Pillar 2


PILLAR 2- Neuro-Performance Principles

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You are in the D-RIVE Zone when...

  1. You get at least 90 minutes of sunshine each day (where you can).
  2. You don’t have any trouble switching off devices when my parents/carers or teachers ask you to do so, or when you choose to do so.
  3. You avoid multitasking when you're studying or doing homework online.
  4. You resist multitasking when you're online for leisure (gaming, watching TV, social media etc).
  5. You do your most challenging, important homework or study when your focus and energy are at their peak.
  6. You pause before you post information or images or videos online (your ‘digital DNA’).
  7. You're physically active at least 60 minutes a day.
  8. Most nights you get 9-11 hours of sleep (if I’m aged 5-13 years) or 8-10 hours (if your aged 14-17 years).

SDWA - Pillar 3


PILLAR 3- Dominate Digital Distractions

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You are in the D-RIVE Zone when...

  1. You’ve turned off any non-essential alerts and notifications on the devices you use.
  2. You’ve set up VIP notifications and know how to bundle notifications to come at a time that suits you.
  3. You know how to turn off the auto-play feature on YouTube and other video streaming services.
  4. You know how to activate Do Not Disturb mode on a tablet or smartphone or other strategies so you are not disturbed when working on challenging and important tasks.
  5. You don’t use your phone or other digital devices during meal times.
  6. I don’t use my phone or other digital devices when you're socialising with your friends or family.
  7. You know how to switch devices to airplane mode when required.
  8. You can focus for roughly the same time in minutes, as your age (for example, if you’re 14 you can focus for approximately 14 minutes).

SDWA - Pillar 4


PILLAR 4- Digital Disconnection

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You are in the D-RIVE Zone when...

  1. You are bored from time to time each week.
  2. You are involved in non-tech activities (sporting, creative, community) each week.
  3. There are rules and restrictions on what and when you can access content on digital devices at home.
  4. You avoid using technology when your feeling big emotions like anger, anxiety, sadness, frustration, boredom.
  5. You have a set spot in the house where digital devices go overnight. 
  6. You would be okay if you went on a holiday with no WiFi or Internet coverage.
  7. You can easily turn off digital devices when you feel like you’ve had enough, without an adult nudging me to do so.
  8. You eat most meals without using technology.


You Scored:

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If you scored 31-42:
You are


Your answers indicate that you are unaware about how detrimental your digital habits may be...

in terms of your physical health and mental wellbeing and ability to focus and avoid distractions. Can you commit to one small micro-habit that you can implement this week? Over time build on new habits.

If you scored 43-63:
You are


You’re noticing that your digital habits and behaviours need addressing.

You spend more time than you’d like tethered to technology and there are many skills and strategies you can put in place to better tame your tech habits. Can you commit to some small micro-habits you can implement this week? Over time build on new habits.

If you scored 64-110:
You are


You have some boundaries around how, where and when you use technology.

However, with a couple more changes you could further ensure your physical health, mental wellbeing and focus are supported, not stifled, by your tech habits.

If you scored 111-140:
You are


You have firm boundaries around how, where and when you use technology.

This ensures that your physical health and mental wellbeing aren’t compromised by technology. If you implement a couple more micro-habits you’ll soon be in the D-RIVE ZONE where you’ll be digitally thriving.

If you scored over 141:
You are in the


Congratulations! You have developed some really healthy and helpful digital habits and behaviours.

You have firm boundaries around how, where and when you use technology, suggesting that your ‘tech time’ is supporting your physical health and mental wellbeing. Well done! Keep up these excellent habits: they are serving you well. You are officially DIGITALLY THRIVING.

Not in the D-riving zone?

Here's what you can do now to get back on track.

💻 Set up your digital borders and boundaries around what, where, when, how, for how long you spend online.

🤳 Put your phone, tablet, gaming console or laptop away or out of sight when you've finished using it.

📃 Don't try to make radical changes- instead, make small, gradual changes to your digital habits.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Be accountable- tell your friends or family what your new tech habits will involve so they can (kindly) remind you when you're not following your new habits. (For example, if you want to switch your phone off at 8pm, but you're still messaging friends at 10pm, your friends can remind you of your 'digital curfew').

🛌 Notice how you feel after you've implemented some new tech habits (For example, maybe you'll switch off devices 60 minutes before you go to sleep and might see an improvement in your sleep, mood, or focus). This will encourage to keep making shifts.

🗓️ Remember, that habits and new behaviours take time to stick. If you revert to your old habits, miss a couple of days with your new habit, don't give up and don't abandon your plan.