
Dominate your digital distractions and stop screens from adding to your stress.

Check out my new book Dear Digital, We Need to Talk. A guilt-free guide to taming your tech habits and thriving in a digital world!

Thank you for attending Dr Kristy's presentation.
Here's the resources for Digitalised Childhoods.

resources - inchargebox
Get the incharge box. use promo code 'drkristy' for $25 discount
resources - baxter blue
Use the promo code 'drkristy' for 10% discount & free shipping
Dear Digital Mockup
Use the promo code 'FreeShipping_DD' for free shipping

Suffering from digital dementia?

Want a reminder of the digital wellbeing tips?
Digital Wellbeing Cards-min

Digital Wellbeing Card Set

We’re much more likely to retain information that we’ve read off-screen, than on. I’ve published a set of 60 cards containing a range of micro-habits that people can apply to their professional and/or personal lives to bolster their physical health, mental wellbeing and attention span, in the always-on digital world we’re in.

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